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The Internet is a wonderful thing and the sort of invention that we all wish we had when we were at school. Revising for tests and completing homework would have been so much easier with sites like Wikipedia and Google to help us out.

Staying in touch with our friends would also have been so much easier had we been able to use Facebook and Twitter.

Of course, with the immediacy that these websites offer comes the inherent dangers also. Safety online is of paramount importance and it's vital to realise that just because someone claims to be one thing, such as a friend or teenager, they may not necessarily be so.

The instant nature of the Internet also means that you can reach people within seconds, and they can reach you whether you want them to or not. This has helped in many ways, but has also caused problems with increases of bullying. Online bullying is known as Cyberbullying, and is just as big a problem as bullying at school or on the street. In fact, Cyberbullying can be worse because the bullies can reach you wherever you are.

If someone you do not want to speak to is attempting to bully you online you should block all contact with them. Remove them from Facebook, adjust your privacy settings so they can't contact you and never contact them. Block them from chat programs such as MSN and Yahoo as well. If you ignore Cyberbullies, they will give up as they will have no way of bullying you. If you have given out any personal details, be sure to tell an adult and change your mobile and email address if need be.

Save our Childrens from Cyber Bullying!

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