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You are friend with someone from your chilhood? You both are playing kite together, mock and protect, also laughing together... How you can convey your feeling without breaks your friendship? Let's see below tips:

1. Calling name
Sometime we usually to use yo, oi, bro, sis, or another call name and it's still categorized in "Friendship". May be comfy to use, but still send signal that you just wanna friend with she/he. Sometime call the first name and see the reaction!

2. Change Rutinity
Create a chance to spread a romantic environment. Left your basketball and persuade dinner is one thing so sweet to do.

3. Make Up
Is it really important? ask yourself, but you have to be yourself. Different style of your clothing sounds great!

4. Don''t close yourself
Sometime dating with another can be a good compete to make sure the feeling, for you or probably not.

5. Not always"About Us"
If you hear some gossips that talked bout both of you, your chilhood friend.. just pretend to ignore and stay cool.

6. Go Ahead.. Come On!
The worst way to hide your feeling how you are really miss she/he is stay next to she/he and say nothing. Stop torching yourself and try to start your first Dating.

7. To be Patient
You already did poin 1-6, and from the reaction, she/he no have the same feeling. Keep your Friendship, who knows? both of you in the future together in destiny.

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