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world in my mind
Hi Welcome back! It's World in My Mind, here you can find Love, Poems, Love Poems, Love Tips, Breakup, and more. Today post is Procrastination Temptation.. do you know? if you mostly delaying your works, thats means Procrastination tempation starts to approach you hehe.

It's Monday again! Keep on spirit with so much activity that you have to finish today, so much messy things which need to clean up. Sometimes we think to finish it latter, and latter.., coz with looking so much things to finish make us imagine that the all things can't be done to clean up in once momment, to finish in one momment. Procrastination in work, in all aspect things that we do is the easiest way that we often do if we have so much work to do. That's a big temptation to
delay some works, or delaying to finish some works that actually we can finished at that time.

So.. keep on spirit and listen your heart voice that you can finish all things, or at least finish some works at that time, coz more we delay some works to do the more we have so much things that we have to do tomorrow, then we less time and nothing can't be finished at all. Don't waste your time for procrastination temptation. Yes you can!

With Monday spirit, let's together spreading Love to others and make difference. And if you hurry in the road, remember to be safe and "No Texting While Driving". Love your life!

Thanks for being here and see you next post for more Love, Poems, Love Poems, Love Tips, Breakup, and more update review in World in My Mind.

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